I found the photo booth folder!
Good news! In putting my pictures on my computer and then uploading them to the site, I finally figured out where my computer saves the pictures I take of myself (and anyone else who is around) with the little camera attached to the top of the computer screen (yea, I have a very high tech computer, and this is what I use it for). Anyway, so, yea, I took these pictures on like, day 2 of being here, and then couldn't figure out where they had been saved. Luckily, I have found them, and can now share them with all of my adoring fans (none of whom comment very often, I have noticed). So, yes, here I am, blue wall and all, and then flying through space. I like that one, I thought it was pretty fun.

I am glad it is Friday, nothing really exciting happened today, I went shopping in the mall in Pentagon City, it was a weird reminder of the real world I used to live in. A little too fancy for me. Macy's was fun though, as usual. I bought a pair of khaki shorts to wear on the weekends, and then came home. I was going to go on some sort of long walking adventure, but it looked like it was going to rain, and after last night's very very very loud thunderstorm at 1am, I was not about to chance it. So, i came home, cooked some dinner, and then continued the planning/gossiping with Joy regarding our Europe trip and other such happenings. Now it is bed time, hopefully I will do something interesting tomorrow, otherwise, you all will just have to be satisfied by continuing to be impressed by my amazing ability to make doing nothing sound interesting.
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