Picture time!
You know that feeling you get of impending doom, when you can just see something happen and you have no control over it, but you know it is going to be bad? That is my life on the streets of DC. And by the streets, I mean, literally, on the streets. I think I have mini heart attacks like ten times a day watching cars almost hit pedestrians or each other. Seriously, people are nuts here, they just walked whenever, wherever, and I end up saying a silent prayer that they aren't going to get hit by the semi heading straight for them. I should ignore it, but if something happens, then I'm a witness and I have to do something for them probably, and really, it is hot outside, and I would rather no one got hurt and I could just get home quickly to the AC.
Also, over the past two weeks, I have taken multiple buses home. While on these buses, sometimes I read, and sometimes I just stare out the window. This staring has led to seeing many interesting resturants and signs. Now, I have decided to make it a point to not at eat anywhere that has bars on the windows...I don't know, personal preference I guess. But, some of the things these restuarants choose to call themselves, it almost makes me want to go in anyway...There's Cluck-U Chicken, which swears to have the best chicken in the area. There's a place called Kitty's, which apaprently serves Chinese food (something about cats and chinese food...I don't know....). There is a random sign that says Jesus es Senor. Yea, this is just random to me. Perhaps it is the fact that it is just on some random building and seems to have no affiliation to anything. There is Potbelly sandwiches, which I have eaten at and is damn good, but still, why name a restaurant something that makes people feel like it can't possibly be healthy (it is just sandwiches, nothing greasy, but still). There is the restaurant that i stand in front of every morning, the name escapes me now, but they sell sub sandwiches, seafood, chinese food and fried chicken. It's sort of all-in-one. Yea, I know you all want to visit just to eat there. Anyway, I would take pictures of these places, but I don't want to freak anybody out. This is the same reason I have no pictures of my house yet, I don't want to freak out the neighbors.

However, I do now have my camera cord and have updated some previous posts with pictures. I know the full day of action post has pictures, and I think one of the first two I wrote does as well. And since I am too lazy to find where I was supposed to put these pictures in the first place, here are some pictures of the street I live on and my room. And for those of you really care, here is a picture of the building I work in. You need a badge to get in, which makes me cool, since I have a badge, and have made friends with the security guards. I could probably sign you in as a visitor if you come to visit me (I make no promises, but I assume this can happen).

So, yea, that is the update. Work was slow today, but only because I was really tired and the people next to me were drilling, which is a really annoying noise to listen to all day. I am off to see what is on TV and try not to fall asleep unti 9pm.
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