Attention Target Team Members...
I spent my first sunday in DC the same way I have spent many past Sundays... watchings a lifetime movie until 1pm in my pajamas. Yup, I'm home. But, then after the movie, I did some serious exploring. I took off on the 70 bus to find out where I was going to be working.
45 minutes on the bus put me right into the middle of downtown DC. I walked along D street looking for the Aerospace Center. After circling the FBI building twice, and talking to the friendly Visitor Services man, I discovered that DC actually is split into 2 (or maybe 4?) areas, and I was on the wrong side of the capitol building. So, I set off walking across the Mall. It's funny to just be walking, and then to look left and see the capital, and then look right and the Washington Monument. Just hanging out, high into the sky. I would love to post the pictures that I took of this today, but apparently, I packed both my camera cords and left them at home, so I am going to have to get one mailed to me (finally happened, thus the addition of some pictures). Anyway, I am sure the pictures I took are as amazing, if not moreso, than the ones you might find on line at any professional photo gallery: So, after a long walk through the mall and elsewhere, I found the Aerospace Center, 901 D St. SW (as opposed to NW). Also have pictures of this building, but still don't have the camera cord (yes I do):

After locating the building, I felt like my mission had been accomplished, so I slowly made my way back from the direction I had come from. I eventually had to stop and eat something, since the banana I had eaten before I left the house was no longer keeping me full. I found an overpriced cafe and ate a sandwhich. It's funny, the food I have eaten in the last two days has tasted amazing. I can't decide whether this is because it is really amazing food, or if I have just been really hungry everytime I eat, and therefore, the food just tastes better. Anyway, after about 5 hours of exploring, I was ready to go home. I asked at another one of these Info booths about buses, and was directed to the 52 line.
The bus ride home was much more entertaining than the ride into DC. There was this couple sitting in front of me, and they were talking about stores in DC. Eventually, the talk turned to Target, as all talk about shopping will. The girl spent a good part of the ride home trying to convince her boyfriend that Target was a tier above both WalMart and Kmart. He was not having it, and she was telling him to ask any suburban woman and they would tell him the same thing. He was stlll not having it. I almost got involved, but decided it was probably not the best idea. They eventually got off the bus, but he was not happy, and was no longer talking to her, which I found very amusing. Anyway, the bus actually stopped running about a mile before my house, so I spent another few minutes exploring my neighborghood by foot before getting home and crashing in front of the TV.
All in all, a good day exploring, and I am ready for work in the morning. I have even made a turkey and cheese wrap for lunch, see how organized I am? I know, I know, amazing.
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